Current Exhibit


Transform: A Continued Exploration of Evolution

An Installation by Ellen Hanauer

OPENING RECEPTION: Sunday July 1st, 3 - 6pm

ARTIST TALK: Sunday, July 29th, 3pm

There are times in our lives when the floor drops unexpectedly from under our feet and propels us on a dark journey. This human condition of loss often feels surreal and affects each of us in profound and unexpected ways. 

This is a painful process, as we descend into denial, anger, negotiation anddespair. We find ourselves adrift, our compasses malfunction, and we are left disoriented and despondent. Finally, there is acquiescence, the inflection point where healing commences. It is here where fertile soil begins to warm, welcoming seeds of rebirth to sprout and take root.

This exhibit is an emotional recollection of transformation, which begins in the abyss and evolves to place where potential is limitless. I have chosen to use fiber as my medium, as it brings an unthreatening quality to this provocative and sometimes uncomfortable subject. Emerging from the darkness enables possibilities that can only be discovered through the path of deconstruction and reconstruction.

Below: "Invisible" by Ellen Hanauer

Below these images from the "sheelas" work are available for sale at $200@. Please contact the gallery if interested. Counting from right to left "sheela #15" has been sold due to its smile.

1 Sheelas Protect.jpg